Cutera® XEO Laser Genesis stimulates the skin’s natural renewal process to improve overall skin quality, resulting in a radiant, more youthful complexion.
During the procedure, gentle micro-pulses of laser energy are sent to the skin to activate collagen remodeling to give your skin its smooth, radiant complexion.
Laser Genesis patients report excellent results over their entire faces and necks. Additionally, practitioners may suggest this therapy to diminish recent scars on other parts of the body.
Unlock the Benefits of Laser Genesis:
Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Redness Reduction, uneven skin tone and pore size
Visible improvement in acne-prone skin
Reduces oil secretion by 50%
Boosts ongoing collagen production
Timeless Beauty. Effortless Confidence. Laser Facials.
-Customized For Your Skin-
How does Laser Genesis work?